PTFE virginal

Mechanical Properties   
Hardness Shore DSh. DDIN 53 50552 – 60
Ball Pressure HardnessN/mm2DIN 53 45623 – 28
Tensile Strength (23°C)N/mm2DIN 53 45525 – 42
Elongation at Break (23°C)%DIN 53 455250 – 400
Tensile Modulus (23°C)N/mm2DIN 53 457400 – 800
PV-Limit 3 m/minN.M/mm2 Min 2.5
PV-Limit 30 m/minN.M/mm2 Min 3.9
PV-Limit 300 m/minN.M/mm2 Min 5.5
Coeff. of Friction – Statical  0.14
Coeff. of Friction – V-Steel Dynamic  0.1
Wear K.10-8CM3.Min/KG.M.H. 78
Diametric Shrinkage% 3
Physical Properties   
Spec. GravityG/cm3ASTM D48942.17
Water absorption%DIN 53 4950
Deformation after 24h at 23°C – 15N/mm2%ASTM D62116
Deformation after 24h at 260°C – 4N/mm2%ASTM D6217
Compr. Strength at 1% Deformation (23°C)N/mm2DIN 53 4544.3
Electrical Properties   
Dielectric StrengthKV/mmDIN 53 48150 – 80
Thermal Properties   
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (20-100°C)1/K.10-5 12
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (20-150°C)1/K.10-5 12
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (150-260°C)1/K.10-5 16
Thermal Conductivity (23°C)W/K.MDIN 52 6120.23
Maximum Continuos Operating Temp.°C 250
Minimum Continuous Operating Temp.°C -200

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